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Meditation Helps ! Another experience straight from the heart.

“I first learnt TM (Transcendental Meditation) in 2004, a few months after the sudden death of my partner. My reasons were purely practical, my blood pressure had gone through the roof and I didn’t want to start taking drugs. I researched alternative methods dealing with this and came across several reports and articles indicating that TM  may help. It did. But it did so much more as well!

Initially it became a time when I could let my thoughts go wherever they wanted, my “time-out” every day. As the years went on and I accepted my new normal I carried on meditating – most of the time. If I got busy or was travelling, it got pushed aside. Once I’d missed several sessions, it became easy to carry on not meditating, after all it didn’t seem to make any difference. Only it did. After a few weeks of not meditating, I’d find myself getting very short tempered and irritated with things that don’t usually bother me. Somehow days just didn’t flow as well. Once I’d noticed that, I would go back to meditating; I’d become calmer and life would improve.

After the onset of Covid, several wonderful TM teachers in the UK came together to offer twice daily TM sessions online via zoom. Due to the time difference I only do one of them, but they have been incredible!! I’m finding almost the same effect meditating with others via zoom that I do when I meditate with others in person.

If you’re thinking of trying TM, but are hesitating, don’t – you have nothing to lose and everything to gain. Whether you chose to join the online zoom meetings or meditate alone after you’ve learnt, you’ll be part of a wonderful community and will get all the support you need from the teachers.”

Elisabeth ~ LA, USA  (Learnt TM in 2004)